What starts with a P, ends with an E and have thousands of letters in it?


What starts with a P, ends with an E and have thousands of letters in it?


Post office


The riddle prompts us to find a word that fits the given criteria: beginning with a “P,” ending with an “E,” and having thousands of letters. The answer lies in the familiar institution that serves as the hub of mail and communication—the post office.

Within the post office, countless letters, representing written correspondence from all corners of the world, are stored, sorted, and prepared for delivery. It is this accumulation of letters that satisfies the condition of the riddle, showcasing the significance of the post office as a central repository of communication.

In essence, the post office is a bustling center where thousands of letters reside, awaiting their journeys to connect people and deliver heartfelt messages.

Riddles like this one are meant to make us think differently and have some fun along the way. They show us that sometimes the answer isn’t what it seems at first, and it’s all about finding a clever twist in the words.

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