Where can you draw one line to make this equation correct? 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 555

Where can you draw one line to make this equation correct?


Where can you draw one line to make this equation correct? 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 555?


There are two solutions:
  • 1) Drawing a diagonal line on one of the plus signs to change 5+5 to 545, thus getting 545 + 5 + 5 = 555
  • 2) Putting a line across the equal to sign to change it to “not equal to” sign


In this intriguing riddle, we are presented with an equation that seems incorrect, but we have the task of making it correct by adding just one line. Let’s explore the two clever solutions to this puzzle.

The original equation is stated as follows: 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 555. At first glance, it may seem impossible to transform this equation into a correct one with just a single line. However, there are two distinct ways to achieve this:

Solution 1: By drawing a diagonal line on one of the plus signs, we can transform 5 + 5 into 545. The modified equation becomes 545 + 5 + 5 = 555. Now the equation is correct, as each side of the equation yields the same value.

Solution 2: Alternatively, we can make use of the equal to (=) sign itself. By putting a line across the equal to sign, we transform it into a “not equal to” sign (≠). The modified equation becomes 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 ≠ 555. In this case, the equation is correct because it states that the sum of the left side is not equal to 555.

These solutions demonstrate the cleverness of lateral thinking and the flexibility of symbols and equations. By adding a single line, we can completely change the meaning of the equation and make it correct according to the given conditions.

Riddles like this challenge our ability to think outside the box and find unconventional solutions. They showcase the power of creativity and open our minds to the possibilities that lie beyond traditional interpretations.

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