Make a sum of 30 from three balls

Place three balls from the available selection into the empty spaces to achieve a total of 30. Each ball can only be used once.


Place three balls from the available selection into the empty spaces to achieve a total of 30. Each ball can only be used once.


6 + 11 + 13 = 30


Alright, my fellow riddle enthusiasts, get ready to engage those problem-solving gears as we tackle this tricky challenge! We’re presented with a puzzle where we need to strategically place three balls from the selection into blank spots to achieve a total of 30. Let’s unravel this enigma together and discover the solution.

This puzzle can be a bit challenging as it requires some adjustments to reach the desired number.

The key to cracking this puzzle lies in a clever manipulation of one of the numbers – transform the number nine into a number six.

Thus: Select the ball labeled six from the first column, the ball labeled eleven from the second column, and the ball labeled thirteen from the third column. The sum of these three numbers will add up to 30: 6 + 11 + 13 = 30.

Hence, the correct balls to use are 6, 11, and 13.

If you’re wondering where the number six ball came from, consider the following: The instructions state that you need to arrange the balls in a way that their sum equals 30; it doesn’t specify that you have to use the given numbers exactly. Keeping that in mind, you can transform the ball labeled nine into a ball with the number six.

Voila! We’ve successfully accomplished the mission of making the total 30 by strategically placing the balls. It’s all about thinking outside the box, using our creativity, and utilizing the rules and instructions to our advantage.

So, dear puzzle enthusiasts, the correct balls to achieve a sum of 30 are the ones with numbers 6, 11, and 13. And remember, in the realm of riddles, sometimes the solution lies in bending the rules and finding alternative interpretations.

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