What day is it today?

What day is it today?


Tomorrow is neither Wednesday nor Thursday, yesterday was not Friday or Saturday. Today is not Thursday or Sunday or Monday. What day is it today?




Alright, my fellow riddle enthusiasts, get ready for a mind-boggling challenge! Today’s riddle will put your deduction skills to the test as we navigate through the days of the week. So, grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and let’s dive into the puzzle!

The riddle goes like this: “Tomorrow is neither Wednesday nor Thursday, yesterday was not Friday or Saturday. Today is not Thursday, Sunday, or Monday. What day is it today?”

Now, let’s analyze each day of the week and why it cannot be today, one by one:

  1. Monday: Today cannot be Monday because it is explicitly stated that today is not Monday. So, let’s rule out Monday from our options.
  2. Tuesday: Today cannot be Tuesday since tomorrow is not Wednesday or Thursday. Therefore, Tuesday is ruled out as a possibility.
  3. Wednesday: According to the riddle, tomorrow is not Thursday, therefore, today is not Wednesday.
  4. Thursday: Since today is not Thursday, we can eliminate Thursday as a possibility for today.
  5. Friday: Yesterday was not Friday or Saturday, tomorrow is neither Wednesday or Thursdays, and today is not Thursday, Sunday, or Monday. Considering these clues, we can conclude that today is indeed Friday!
  6. Saturday: Yesterday was not Friday, therefore, Saturday is not the correct answer.
  7. Sunday: Today is not Sunday, as explicitly stated in the riddle. So, Sunday is also ruled out.

Now that we have examined each day of the week and eliminated the ones that don’t fit the given clues, we can confidently say that the answer to the riddle is Friday! Today is indeed Friday, my friends.

Congratulations to those who cracked the code and found the correct answer. Give yourself a pat on the back for your deductive reasoning skills!

Remember, riddles like these challenge our ability to think critically, analyze information, and draw logical conclusions. They are a fun way to exercise our minds and keep our problem-solving skills sharp.

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